DUROSTICK as a national leading manufacturer of products that cover the entire building spectrum, we have developed strong relationships with our customers, most of whom have been with us for many years. Whether it’s our products, our solutions, or our support – the objective is to listen to the customer and cover their needs and together achieve more.
We create substantial, long-term and mutually beneficial relations with our associates (retail stores), but also with the end-users of our products, craftsmen and professionals as well as individual consumers.
Based on our data:
- Within the last three decades, 266,790,000m² of wall and floor tiles were installed with tile adhesives and grouts of DUROSTICK
- Also, 30.093,305m² of varying surfaces were waterproofed, sealed, painted with our respective products
- 75,525 tons of improving additives for building mortars
- 15,820 tons of special products have supported thousands of structures
Since 2011, 1,030,000m² of surfaces were lined and decorated with the pressed cement screeds of DUROSTICK.