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Hydrostop Plaster DS-74
Fine finish, resinous, water repellent top coat plaster/render. Use it as the base for creating 24 colors.

Ready-mixed and high-strength topcoat plaster, reinforced with acrylic resins. Offers excellent resistance to moisture and frost. Provides complete water repellency, without blocking the water vapour permeability of surfaces. Suitable for interior and exterior applications, on surfaces made of bricks, cement blocks, aircrete and concrete. It is colored in 24 permanent colors with the addition of the pigments in powder form DUROCOLOR POWDER-C into the mixing water. It can be waterproofed 15 days after its application with DUROSTICK D-18 (using the same scaffolding equipment). Classified GP: CSIII/Wc2 per ΕΝ 998-1.
Product Details
- Consumption
Approximately 5kg/m²/3mm thick coat.
- Packaging
- Color