Huge interest for the first technical meeting with fixers in Elbasan, Albania

On March 11, took place the first technical meeting with fixers in Elbasan, Albania, in cooperation with Ermir Sh.p.k. trading company, the official Durostick distributor in the area.

The turnout exceeded all the expectations and the interest expressed on the products and the quality technical solutions of Durostick, was huge.

There were presented unique decoration solutions, for housing and professional environments, with Durostick Microcemento and Cire series, as well as the rich spectre of high quality Durostick paints.
Huge interest was expressed on the well known and most effective Durostick hydro-insulation and repairing products, since the need for home improvements is already here, along with spring.

There were also live applications of Microcemento and trainings on how to apply correctly several of the materials.
We would like to thank all those who attended our meeting and we are already planning the next, as requested and promised.