It gives you the ability to navigate through the entire range of DUROSTICK products. Also, the app gives you the opportunity to photograph and forward any building or construction problems directly to DUROSTICK in search of technical advice to deal with.

How does the DUROSTICK MOBILE APP work?
Basic Function No1:
DUROSTICK Product Catalog: Select the LIST tab/menu which navigates you through the categories and product subcategories. By opening a product page, you see a summary of the product. When connected online, you also have the option, if desired, to see the complete and detailed Technical Data Sheet of the product as well as the Material Safety Data Sheet, when those are available.
Basic Function No2:
Select the TECHNICAL SUPPORT tab/menu. The application enables you to take a picture or to select a saved photo from your mobile device, add a written comment, and send it directly to the Technical Support Team through the DUROSTICK application, which will respond to you within the next 24 hours, most of the time.