DUROSTICK has successfully completed its participation in the BUILD EXPO 2023 exhibition

DUROSTICK successfully completed this year's participation in the leading exhibition of the construction industry, which took place October 19 - 22 at the Metropolitan Expo exhibition center.
At DUROSTICK’s booth, visitors had the opportunity to learn about our products and see the quality and range of their applications, through the abundance of samples and videos projected from the screens that were placed along the booth.
The company's innovative products won the interest of industry professionals, while DUROSTICK's decorative solution systems, such as pressed cement mortar products and quartz aggregates, remained once again particularly popular with both installers, architects and builders.
Τα συστήματα εξωτερικής θερμομόνωσης και στεγάνωσης ταρατσών, επίσης απασχόλησαν επαγγελματίες και ιδιώτες, οι οποίοι ήταν εμφανώς ευαισθητοποιημένοι στα περιβαλλοντικά θέματα και αναζητούσαν λύσεις στα πιστοποιημένα και αξιόπιστα προϊόντα της DUROSTICK.
DUROSTICK's specialized team was at the side of everyone interested, to inform in the best possible way, about the integrated product solutions it has developed, that cover the requirements of every modern construction.
DUROSTICK promises to remain steadfast in its goal of creating new, timeless and consistently quality solutions and is committed to being present at the next industry meetings.