
Microcement colors for DS-254 IRON Any discrepancies between color samples and the final result are due to precision shortcomings in the printing process. Proper preparation of the substrate and the indicative application practices of the product, ensure the correct results of the colors shown. It is recommended, before the actual application, to first create a sample to ensure the color yield, according to your color selection. OAK TREE MOCHA ALABASTER PISTACHIO SUN RAY AQUA MARINΕ 35 See on their right side the slight variation in their color caused by the use of the protective varnish (colors get darker). The varnish chosen in this particular color scheme is the two-component, water-soluble, Polyurethane varnish with Matte finish DECOFIN AQUA PU. In this color chart, before using the varnish, the surface was primed with the Micromolar Stabilizer AQUAFIX, in order to limit the color change to a minimum. WHITE ICE LIGHT GRAY DARK GRAY CARBON CHESTNUT | Click & see! R CHART COLOR CHART COLOR CHART COLOR CHART